ECO Carbon & Green World System
Eco-Carbone’s team combines years of experience in industry, agronomy, project finance and environmental management. We are internationally represented through offices in Paris and Beijing, and work closely with both international and local experts in order to address the needs of individual projects. Our network of experts covers agronomy, biomass energy, coalmine methane, energy efficiency, carbon sequestration and other technical areas.
Eco-Carbone is very active in the new jatropha-based biofuel production market. It invests in several projects worldwide. Eco-Carbone provides technical advice to farmer communities who establish jatropha plantations. Eco-Carbone is both investor and manager of Industrial Joint Ventures, which produce crude oil and co-products of extraction.
Moreover, Eco-Carbone provides consulting services to develop projects in the area of climate change mitigation. Eco-Carbone particularly develops Green House Gas (GHGs) emission reduction projects, and markets the resulting carbon assets in both Kyoto Protocol-related and voluntary markets.
Eco-Carbone is active in a number of sectors and countries, and provides tailor-made solutions for carbon offset projects to both carbon assets’ buyers and sellers.
Our activities:
• Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) project development
• Brokerage services for carbon credit transactions
• Investment in project development to produce jatropha based biofuel