The establishment of the Green Fund is a private-sector initiative jointly spearheaded by Mr. Thai Quang Trung, Chairman of GreenWorld System and a consortium of Vietnamese companies, in coordination with a group of funds managers in Europe.
The rational of Green Fund is to support solid and high-growth businesses in Vietnam within a Complementation Framework between EU and Vietnam. Green Fund positions itself as the lead funding player in the various fields of sustainable development within the Complementation Framework: Green technologies and renewable energy, marine resources, reforestation and clean agriculture, education and training, tourism and healthcare, heritage conservation.
1. Green Fund will apply the Triple Bottom Line Investment (TBLI) business model and guidelines.
2. Green Fund rigorously screens each fund company and each project. The companies and projects should be in line with strong commitment to social, environmental, sustainable business practices.
3. It is proposed that Green Fund, in cooperation with Global Green Gateway (G3) a set-up of GreenWorld System, will identify and support 20 Vietnamese companies, of solid standing and promising future growth in the various identified sectors, in order to consolidate and expand their businesses. These Vietnamese companies will be recommended for restructuring along corporate governance and international standards for public-listed overseas, preferably on Frankfurt or Oslo stock-market.